Hi all,
We switched to JetPay several years ago after having problems similar to those below with some of the other services.
We LOVE JetPay. We have not had any mistakes in all the years we’ve been using them, and their prices are very reasonable. I highly recommend.
They happen to be based near Allentown, where we are, but I don’t have a relationship with them beyond the services we pay for and I think they work nationally.
Kim Schaffer, Executive Director
Community Bike Works
235 N. Madison Street
Allentown, PA 18102
610.434.1140 | http://www.communitybikeworks.org www.communitybikeworks.org
20 years FINAL
From: Thethinktank [mailto:thethinktank-bounces@lists.bikecollectives.org] On Behalf Of Ess Jay Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 7:22 PM To: The Think Tank Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Payroll and/or Accounting services for non-profits
Hi, Sterling --
My first degree is in accounting and I worked in the field for a couple of years before computers came around and I switched to that. I've worked with both Paychex and ADP, and neither one of 'em is worth a nickel, because they are each sufficiently inaccurate that you have to go over every check to make sure they got 'em right, and if you have to do that you actually save time and effort doing it yourself in the first place anyway. Last I worked with one (ADP in '06) none of 'em offered nonprofit discounts or free services to anybody.
In summary, outsourcing these services is a mistake. Nuisance though they may be, in trying to outsource 'em you end up trading a relatively small nuisance for a bigger and more expensive one.
On Thursday, March 1, 2018, 12:24:14 PM PST, Sterling Stone sterlingstone@gearinupbicycles.org wrote:
Hello there all,
I am seeking some assistance in making a decision. For the Past 5 years, we have handled all financial matters in house with our board members. Payroll, accounting, and end of year reporting (990's) are the primary fun tasks that I am looking to outsource for a no-to-low cost. Does anyone have any experience with any companies (Paychex, ADP, etc) that they would be willing to share, or any suggestions?