Bah, running under the radar is great to start! Although we found that it was harder to rent a space without officially existing - it means you need to personally sign a lease. If you KNOW that you want to create a sustainable long-term organization, I suggest flying under the radar to get your org's face out there, but working on non-profit or other official status in the background.
Be sure to read the docs on the collective website to learn about the ins and outs of sharing non-profit status, doing it yourself, just setting up as a not-non-profit instead of NP, etc.
Maybe a friendly storefront/warehouse owner will let you use an unoccupied space for a few months. When we started, our local Bike Month organization shared some of their event space with us for a month, that was amazing for getting our face known. People still come up and say "You were in that underground space...". "Yeah, we were, that was for a month three years ago!". :)
Not existing decreases your possibility to accept checks - sketchy to ask people to make the check out to you, even if you look like an honest person. If you end up somewhere legit, people may ask you questions about insurance, blah blah. Guess that means you should try to get a space where people won't come asking questions...
Ok, I'll stop talking. I'll just leave you by saying that our time under the radar was invaluable as a way for people to get to know our organization, we got to know the people, and perhaps most importantly we proved that people wanted us to exist. Then a homeless guy gave us $10k (yes, I'm serious), then we became legit by joining our local bike advocacy non-profit.
Good luck, "Just Do It", "If you build it, they will come.",
Brian SLO Bike Kitchen (ret.) www.slobikekitchen.org
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 00:21, James R. Weber kc0yef@gmail.com wrote:
Your not under the radar anymore... I suggest you call the mayor of your city and your congressman and ask what monies might be available and if their is some space for a non profit bike coop. File your paperwork for the NP status it is really cheap and the benefits outweigh any "under the radar Status" or any other illegal activities.