Hello! Thanks to everyone who replied to the fork storage question, it was really helpful to see photographs.
Now for another issue. We may get funding/reimbursement for rehabbing bikes, then distributing them in a free bike program. There is currently not enough time or space in the shop to do this during regular shop hours.
What we thought to do was pay mechanics an hourly or per bike stipend to come in when we're closed and work on the free bikes. What sort of things do we have to keep track of/worry about in regards to the money. There could be any number of people working on the bikes and I would hate to, tax-wise, consider each of them an employee, especially when the per year total would probably be a few hundred dollars at most. Is it enough to keep track of who we paid and where the money went and put the onus on our mechanics to report it on their personal tax return?
Thanks! Brian
Urban Bike Project of Wilmington -a 501(c)3 non-profit bike shop- 1908 N. Market Street (entrance is in the parking lot behind the building) Wilmington, DE 19802
Hours: Thursday 6:30-9:00 Saturday 1:00-4:00
Visit us online at http://urbanbikeproject.org