Dear Ryan,
Thanks for initiating this. I have seen several requests on this
listserve for curriculum material over the past year go unanswered.
Bicycles for Humanity- Thunder Bay has some university student
volunteers that are in teachers college that have an interest in doing
a project to organize a curriculum that could possibly be used not
only in a co-op bike shop but also in high school tech/mechanic
courses. Please keep us in the loop.
Steve Klassen Bicycles for Humanity Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6E7 CANADA
work (807) 622-3737 fax- (807) 623-1969 paging (807) 623-7451 tbaybikes@mac.com
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
--Margaret Mead