Fellow community shops,
We have been working on a good bikable community since our inception in 1996. We could not in good conscious work on getting more people on bikes without working on city design and street issues.
We have had success: changing 4-lane roads to 3-lane roads and putting in bike lanes in the reclaimed space, getting _single lane_ roundabouts instead of stop lights, narrowing 12' travel lanes to 10' which often helps get in bike lanes, changing parking lanes to bike lanes, connecting urban trails and increasing transit for instance.
Current projects include getting a downtown 'piazza' or car-free plaza, switching asphalt to pine resin or other alternative for bike walk trails, and- the hardest- working to stop a couple major roadway expansions and instead going with bike/walk/transit solutions. Our website and youtube channel has much more info. thanks.
Good bikes + good riders + good roads = bikable community.