Hey yalls, Bike Works in Seattle has a super awesome position in our org. the Recycling & Reuse Coordinator!! Thats me..donald. Its a new position as of a year ago. Ive had the privilege of developing this potion and having a super fun time doing it. Basically i keep track of every and all donations that come through Bike Works. Whole bikes to misc. parts and accessories. When donations come in, i do a evaluation of each bike and box of misc. parts and then decide where its gonna go with in the org., with in the city, or beyond...as of present B.W. has been sending bikes and things to Africa through the Village Bicycle Project. An excellent outlet for our beefy MTB's(Next, Murry,Huffys,Verticals) some cruisers,those bikes and parts that just dont make the cut for our youth programing or the shop and the crazie amounts of knobby tires. As for keeping it local, I send goodies over to the Bikery!! Our buddy down the way.(thebikery.org) We send our bunk tubes to a local bag making company, Alchemy Goods.And If its an unusable metal waste, theres a local hero by the name of Carter who i call up and he comes by to pick all of our taco'ed wheels and busted up frames. Anyways, ive been day dreaming for a year now about how awsome it would be if i could do even more sharing of goods. I spent 4 years of my life in the amazing undergrounds of BICAS in tucson where next to nothing went wasted. If there was a way to get some of the sweet cruisers and excellent art materials to them or some one closer i tottally would..well i guess what iam sayin is, hey Bike Works has a lot of cool stuff, were here if you need us!!! But how we going to move all this great stuff from point A to pioint B?
BIKE LOVE FOREVER Donald Villarreal Recycling and Reuse Coordinator Bike Works 3709 S. Ferdinand St. Seattle, Washington 98118 www.bikeworks.org (206)725-9408
Building sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling.
--- On Mon, 3/9/09, veganboyjosh@gmail.com veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote: From: veganboyjosh@gmail.com veganboyjosh@gmail.com Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Networking and Parts To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Date: Monday, March 9, 2009, 4:45 PM
the moving of bikes and parts is expensive, since they're either packed very densely, and heavy, or not packed very densely and also not packed efficiently.
the idea of sharing parts and things has crossed my mind, and while i do think there's a place for it, i think some centralized body that coordinates and/or moves the things is a bit out of our reach at the current state of the bike collective network (if indeed that is who is going to oversee this...)
what about some sort of message board or something that is for things like this? some sort of "items wanted/items offered" freecycle style thing that's just for bike collectives?
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Rigel Christian rigelc@gmail.com wrote:
well, the idea we had discussed/daydreamed about was along the lines
of having an organization/network whose task was to coordinate parts
transfers to and from co-ops in different regions or even countries.
it seems like having a way to move parts whose logistical burden is
not borne by the shops would be helpful in getting new donation-based
co-ops started up, as well as help filling in the gaps for shops that
are experiencing lean times, as parts donations go.
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Tom Anderson-Monterosso
tommonterosso@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Bike Kitchen!
I used to work at the Oberlin Bike Co-op in Oberlin, Ohio. We had friendly
relations with Ohio City Bicycle Co-op in Cleveland (35 miles away). Being
in the center of a metropolitan region, they generally received more and
better quality donations than did our co-op. On more than one occasion we
hauled off a pick-up truck load of their surplus three-speeds and
coaster-brake bikes. These bikes were typically of more use in our small,
flat college town than in their big, not-completely-flat city. No money
changed hands; it was all good will. (Thanks, Jim!) We also worked together
on Co-op-to-Co-op Rides.
More sought-after bits like suntour barcons would probably keep their
assigned monetary value in an exchange, but we wouldn't hesitate to call and
see what they had in their bins.
Keeping other co-ops in your region aware of any especially large parts
surpluses is a great idea. I suppose just saying, "hey, we're here if you
need us," is a good place to start.
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Rigel Christian rigelc@gmail.com wrote:
Me and some of the mechanics at our co-op (www.bikekitchen.org) were
talking about advocacy, the proliferation of bike collectives, and of
course as bike geeks tend to do, parts.
I know some collectives have more parts or material resources of a
certain type than they can handle, and others have less. Are there
already parts-sharing agreements between co-ops in other areas of the
world? If another co-op from 50+ miles away called you up asking if
you had, for example, some suntour indexed 7-speed barcons, how would
you handle that?
It's just a thought experiment, but I'm curious to find out how other
groups already share, or if there are ideas on how to more efficiently
share the parts donations that come in, so as to maximize the
allocation of available resources.
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