In another life, I worked a lot with these folks: http://www.worldbridgeevaluation.com/
They make social change evaluation their top priority and have a lot of good advice about non-hierarchical consensus based work.
"When shall we live if not now?" - M.F.K. Fisher
From: Laurie Hanselmann laurie@thebikedepot.org To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 2:24:07 PM Subject: [TheThinkTank] Program Evaluation
Hi all,
The Bike Depot is trying to come up with an evaluation tool for our Earn A Bike (and eventually Fix Your Bike, classes, and volunteers) program and I was just wondering if anyone else out there has a format and system that works. I looked around on the Wiki but couldn't find much. We are working on a simple pre and post program survey to start with, but with our EAB population are wondering how best to reach them after they have left our program and their probability of them actually following up with us.
Also, for any group that is successfully using surveys, what questions are you using? We are looking mostly at health impact and quality of life improvement (able to get a job because of bike, etc.). Are there other evaluation systems you are using that work well? What do you then do with that information? Has it spurred you to change aspects of your program to have a greater effect?
As we develop our evaluation system I will be sure to share and post what we have created on the wiki site.