We am looking for computer / bike geeks in the San Fran, NYC and New Orleans to give a complete goldsprints (roller racing) kits to in return for putting on up to twenty 2 hour events.  When you are done with the events, the kit is yours to re-brand and put on your own goldsprints FUNdraisers with.  If you fit the geographic location and personality description, please give me a call.

Parts of the kit....


Jonathan Morrison
OpenSprints, LLC
c: 801-688-0183

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Jonathan Morrison <jonathan@opensprints.com> wrote:
You may or may not know that there is an open source goldsprints / roller racing project out there called opensprints (www.opensprints.org).  One thing that we are truly lacking is a quality (vector drawn) logo, if you are interested in helping with this please contact me.


Jonathan Morrison