Hey everyone!
I'm working on the AMS Bike Co-op's 2nd episode of Tire Pop! http://www.citr.ca/radio/tire-pop/, the radio show where we talk bikes and spin cassettes. But tbr the cassettes we spin have mostly all been converted to digital for better or worse 😵
Is anyone available next week to chat on the phone about being a Bike!Bike! organizer of the past?
I would also love to chat with an organizer for this year's conference in LA if anyone is down!
Lemme know and I'll email you privately to set something up. You can also email me privately if you prefer - programs@bikecoop.ca. Ideally we can talk next Weds 2-4 or Fri 1-3 PST. I will send questions ahead of time :)
We haven't set up an archive yet but I will send another email as soon as we do so you can listen to the first episode if you missed it!
x sunny
*Sunny Nestler*, *Programs Manager* AMS Bike Co-op University of British Columbia 604-822-2453 | bikecoop.ca | @ubcbike