Hello all,
We run a bike valet at a bi-weekly farmer's market, usually parking several dozen bikes in a few hours. Valet is free to use and staffed by volunteers; our organization receives no compensation.
We are considering a donation jar to benefit the organization (mostly to cover promotional materials). However, we don't want to pressure anyone to donate, lest it discourage their regular use of our service.
We're considering a small donation jar in the corner of our event table, accompanied by a sign roughly stating, "Bike valet is a free service! Donations to Human Powered Delray are optional but always appreciated."
Organizations that do bike valet: Do you have a donation or tip jar? Do you request compensation from event organizers? What do you do with donated money? If it's relevant, we're a 501(c)(3) bike/ped advocacy organization.
Thank you very much for your time and input!