We are Bikes del Pueblo, San Diego's bike kitchen!
We've been operating since 2008 from member's garages and basements, doing clinics and workshops with a lot of local organizations, and have been present at our Farmer's Market every Saturday since 4 years! We also went to Bici!Bici! in Oakland last year and many of our members have visited and been inspired by other Bike Kitchen in the US and other countries.
Now we want to get a permanent workspace so we could be open more days, do more workshops, accommodate more people at the same time, store more donations, etc... I am sure you know how having a space is important for a bike kitchen!
We started an online crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo:
The goal is to raise $10,000 to secure 6 months of rent, cover some moving expenses and have a reserve for rainy days!
So please check our video, donate if you can and most of all share with your networks of friends and bike supporters!
Thank you so much for your support!
Bikes del Pueblo!