Hello from chilly Des Moines!
The Des Moines Bicycle Collective is just about to hit its first
anniversary. Miracle of miracles, we're still above water.
What have you experienced collectives learned is important to track
regarding shop activities? We think these things are key (especially
for applying for grants):
*bikes received
*bikes given away
*bikes sold
*Earn-A-Bike completions
*bikes recycled/sent to scrapper
*tires recycled/sent to scrapper
*volunteer hours
Are we missing anything? A couple board members want to create an
entry for each bike received (record serial number) and track hours
spent on fixing, parts/tires invested. Seems a bit over the top when
we're still scratching and clawing for volunteers.
But, willing to listen to the voices of experience.
Carl carlvoss@mac.com Mobile: 515-210-0237