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On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 2:18 PM <> wrote:
I thought I’d inquire to see if anyone is gearing up to run bike-related programs/classes this fall?

If so, via online or in-person?  Our nonprofit is considering our high school class program (Bike2Leadership) in some modified capacity TBD.

Any recommendations and/or resources is always appreciated.  

Thanks!  Peter.

Peter Van Tilburg
Executive Director, Board VP
Bike Clark County

Community Bike Shop:  
1604 Main St., Vancouver, WA. 98660
Wed-Sat 11am-6pm, Sunday 11am-4pm

c. 503.572.9894
Bike Clark County is equipping, empowering, and connecting youth to our community.


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Ron Kellis | Véloteer & Basic Maintenance Instructor  | VéloCity Bicycle Co-op | 2111 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA  22301 | | +1 (703) 549-1108