hey thinktank,
this is Troy Bike Rescue jus checkin in...
we are having a big moving parade to our new (old) awesome building, The Wheelhouse, on May 21, peep the spot in progress here: before: https://picasaweb.google.com/tbr.collective/WheelhouseBefore# in progress: http://www.flickr.com/photos/breathingplanet/sets/72157626095136199/ more pics will come after the move too!
then on May 28, we are having a big fundraiser with artists, dinner, raffles, videos, music and an all-ages rodeo. should be a blast! http://troybikerescue.org/fundraiser
... and we have shirts & patches on Goodsie now... http://tbrcollective.goodsie.com/
check this slightly strange video montage from parts of the bike trip to Toronto last year: http://www.youtube.com/user/tbrcollective#p/u/3/MQU9nQ1L58U
happy bike month!!
andrew tbr