Hi all,
I've been playing around with the idea of a developer's BikeBike! This would be a time for the tech savvy of the bike collective world to get together to discuss and *actively work on* some of the tech issues that many community bike projects face.
Specifically, we would look at HUB, the open source software that SF bike kitchen built. Some would be working on the BikeBike website. We could discuss point of sale options, or make suggestions of projects to work on. I'm sure some of us have personal endeavors that we could use a hand on, or an extra brain or two.
I've got a location and time in mind, but I'd like to see the level of interest before I start making proposals. Once I have an email list of interested parties, I'll start narrowing down on what exactly will happen at this bikebike and how it will be organized.
If there is any interest in this, Please email me back (off list). Please include info about your current geography, your computer skills, and any projects you are currently working on for community bike projects.
Cheers, -Momoko