Our EAB registration form, in long use and still in need of revision, is a conglomeration of things we found (thanks CCC in portland!) when we were starting in 2001 The questions on page 2 were added when we started doing these programs under a grant and needed to have information about what the students had learned (we do a post-survey too), and are a great teaching tool, we have found.
Very few pass the rules quiz (group discussion, really) the first time, but we want to have it out there at the start, and for the parents.
Most of our discipline problems are cured by our new partnership with city recreation centers, by having a rec instructor bring the group of kids to us, and help with the program.
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:59 AM, The Recyclery therecyclery@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
I was wondering if shops with E-a-B or after-school programs had their participants sign contracts at the beginning, either with rules of the shop, expectations, qualifications for getting the bike, etc.
The guidelines for our On Site EABhttp://ohiocitycycles.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23-on-site-earn-a-bike&Itemid=41may be of interest as well.
Good luck with your program, Sharlyn!
Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1823 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667 OhioCityCycles.org