we have trike!trike! in az in the winter, it's a mini bikebike just for arizona.
On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 10:52 AM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
I am all about sharing the love, and hosting or cohosting a workshop about putting on a regional bikebike, or even a workshop that has folks from previous/current international bikebike hosts. Something I heard kicked around last year was the idea of a binder or file of resources, that gets passed on to the next host, so that they don't have to re invent the wheel. I've got something sort of related to that happening, but it's unrelated enough as to warrant its own thread.
Thanks, everyone. I'm excited to hear about so many other gatherings that are taking the name bikebike. I was worried that throwing another one out there would dilute the energy, but it sounds like it's not even close to that.
Rachel mentioned last year that maybe the smaller gatherings should take a new name? It may be less confusing with so many of them happening. What are your thoughts on that?
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 10:56 PM, brentmore1234@aol.com wrote:
I would agree that having 80 or 90 (was it that many?) folks from all over the southeast who are passionate about bicycles and bike collectives will be a really good thing for Louisville. That's why I chimed in and said something about being against having the BigBike!Bike! in Minneapolis - there is already what, almost a 5% bike mode share going on there. Not to diss places that have some of the highest bike mode shares, they're probably better places to organize a large conference out of, but there are places where biking is relatively in it's infancy (Louisville has less than a 1% mode share) and a truly grassroots thing like this could really spark some conversation - if you have it in a place that is struggling.
Just some thoughts.
- Eli
rachael spiewak wrote:
Same description goes for the previous Southeast version (ATL, >
1/2009). It will only help.
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Carolyn Braunius brauniusc@yahoo.com <
mailto:brauniusc@yahoo.com <brauniusc@yahoo.com?>>> wrote:
Hi Victor and all. :)
We love BikeBike and plan on coming to Toronto for BIKEBIKE this year by bike and hopefully with reinforcements from the northeast.
Our thoughts behind bikebike NE was we knew there were a lot of small shops or shops that are trying to get off the ground who would love to get some of that special bike bike feeling, but couldn't make it to Minneapolis and might not be able to swing the big trip to Toronto. > They also might not know about the special magic of bikebike and can come to a meeting and get a little dose of the magic, before falling inlove with the international event.
We also wanted to create a stage to address some of the specific bike culture challenges we face in the north east. We love all of those cities that have bike paths and bike racks, and let kids ride their bikes to school, and we want to have a space where we can make a plan to help bring some of those really wonderful things to places where we don't quite have that yet.
We also like to hang out with y'all and promise to do our best to throw a good party :)
Cheers, Carolyn
www.troybikerescue.org http://www.troybikerescue.org
"When shall we live if not now?" - M.F.K. Fisher
--- On *Sat, 12/12/09, mylifeinthenow@gmail.com <mailto:mylifeinthenow@gmail.com <mylifeinthenow@gmail.com?>> /<
</*?'mailto:mylifeinthenow@gmail.com>>/* mylifeinthenow@gmail.comwrote:
From: mylifeinthenow@gmail.com <mailto:mylifeinthenow@gmail.com <mylifeinthenow@gmail.com?>> <
<mailto:mylifeinthenow@gmail.com <mylifeinthenow@gmail.com?>>> Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] 4 BikeBikes. To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org <mailto:thethinktank@bikecollectives.org<thethinktank@bikecollectives.org?>
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009, 5:03 PM
Bike! Bike! NE is still going on in Apri as a warm up for May is Bike Month!
-----Original Message----- Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009 7:56:48 pm To: "The Think Tank" <thethinktank@bikecollectives.org http://mc/compose?to=thethinktank@bikecollectives.org> From: "N.O.Bike Project" <nolabikeproject@gmail.com http://mc/compose?to=nolabikeproject@gmail.com> Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] 4 BikeBikes.
My bad, there are 4. Hmmm.
winter.snowy.rose@gmail.com http://mc/compose?to=winter.snowy.rose@gmail.com wrote:
What about the eastern one about new York area in April or may? Is that still on?
Chloé Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
-----Original Message----- From: "N.O.Bike Project" <nolabikeproject@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 18:39:55 To: The Think Tank<thethinktank@bikecollectives.org
Subject: [TheThinkTank] 3 BikeBikes.
Hey y'all.
In response to the query about a running tally. There are 3
that I know of. Louisville and Boulder in the spring (on the
weekend-March20) and Toronto in the summer.
Personally I think regional bikebikes are a great idea. My
only concern
is that there may be a lower turnout at the big annual
event. I guess
we'll see what happens.
-Victor. _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org
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