for Charlie's Freewheels in Toronto.
It does not teach "mechanics" as I don't believe we can teach repair to people who a) likely know nothing or very little about bicycles b) do not have access to tools c) do not have access to parts.
The program is made up of 3 classes, each of which covers 3 topics:
1) Bicycle anatomy, types of bikes and fit, safe tool use
2) Mechanical systems - bearings, brakes, drivetrain
3) Safety - Safety Checks, road safety (Ontario), Safety equipment (including helmet fit/adjustment)
All of the material is presented as introductory information.
The program is available through our website and includes a quiz for each class hosted on the Google Classroom platform.
We ask youth to register, then I send them the information on the class and the login to access the website pages.
For those who indicate they do not have a bike I will be tuning up donated bikes in our workspace and matching them to the students, then arranging for a no-contact pick up.
We launched the class yesterday, already have 22 students signed up, with 12 indicating need for a bicycle. One person finished the classes in one evening so I have to find a bike to build for them tomorrow, haha!
If this goes well, I will be working on more involved classes that use the same framework and platform for teaching. Again, focussing on teaching people about bikes and how they work, not necessarily trying to teach them how to fix their own bike.
If anyone would like to view the material send me a message and I will send you the website/login.