19 Feb
19 Feb
1:03 p.m.
In Gainesville, FL, we have this great group WAV (watershed action volunteers) that sets up a small display with cars and ponds and little spray bottles, to show how oil from cars affects the watershed and destroys local watersheds. I can't seem to find pictures of the awesome interactive display they set up for little kids, but there site has some good information: http://www.alachuacounty.us/government/depts/epd/waterquality/ -vy
Vyki Englert
"sprocket" acting Director of operations
Member Board of Directors
Gainesville Community Bicycle Project, Inc "the Kickstand"
722 South Main Street Gainesville Fl 32601
'every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the
black flag, and begin slitting throats.' --h.l. mencken
On Feb 19, 2008 12:39 PM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
> break it down into terms they can relate to. figure out the cost of a car
> over a year. someone has this number, altho i can't remember who/what it is
> right now...compare that to a bike. then see what they could buy in a year
> with the difference, in terms of stuff they're into. games, soda, candy,
> etc...
> maybe make up some visual aids like the total cereal commercial, where you
> photoshop a pile of candy bars, or playstations, or something, to show what
> you could buy with the money saved by riding a bike...
> On Feb 19, 2008 10:31 AM, Geoffrey B vous.je@gmail.com wrote:
> > Does anyone have any good ideas to teach kids about the evils of oil. I
> > am helping teach a workshop on oil to kids and need some help. Its part of a
> > renewable energy tour of the city and so the kids will take part in a
> > daycare workshop while their parents tour around town.
> >
> > I'm thinking games, fun stuff and the sort, they are ten to thirteen
> > years old.
> >
> > --
> > "Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia" - H.G. Wells
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Vyki Englert
"sprocket" acting Director of operations
Member Board of Directors
Gainesville Community Bicycle Project, Inc "the Kickstand"
722 South Main Street Gainesville Fl 32601
'every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the
black flag, and begin slitting throats.' --h.l. mencken