Hi there In Lisbon we have the same issue, lots of donations and nobody wants them, We just stock it waiting for a solution. We are glad somebody is worried about it. Please share the developments with us. Cheers.
*João Clemente* *Cicloficina dos Anjos* R. de São Bento 246, 1200-821 Lisboa anjos@cicloficina.pt www.cicloficina.pt fb.com/cicloficina.anjos instagram.com/cicloficina.anjos
Triss Cimò via TheThinkTank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org escreveu (terça, 7/05/2024 à(s) 00:03):
Hi, all,
Our shop's been slowly amassing too many donated old cyclometers (like the old wired ones with spoke-mounted magnets, lots of Cateyes and some Shimanos and other brands). I'm seeing that when they're complete in a box and have all the parts they sometimes sell on eBay, but generally our clientele is not interested in this now obsolete tech.
We don't currently have an electronics recycling partner, but I'm worried that looking for a way to recycle these is our only option. Does anyone in this group have wisdom to share on this topic before we go down that route? What have your other shops done with yours?
Thanks in advance!
Triss Cimò* (they/them)* *Crew at The http://www.thebicycletree.org/*
- Bicycle Tree http://www.thebicycletree.org/, Santa Ana, California*
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