I am happy to see that we aren't the only ones trying to figure out how to bring the shop out to the street and parks.
Attached is a photo of our Mobile Bike Shop Trike Sorry that the photo is kind of hard to see. The frame is from an old ice cream bike. We have mounted tool boxes, storage and a compressed air "pig". We affectionately call the Trike the "Pig". Some of the special features include 3 wheels with internal drum brakes and internal 5 speed in the rear hub. We went with heavy duty downhill wheels. We were able to find a double pull brake leaver so that one leaver controls the brakes on both front wheels.
The Pig cost us virtually nothing and was put together with donated parts and volunteer hours. We plan to be at every neighbourhood block party, carnival and event in our community! We also hope to do a park circuit, fixing bikes for kids that can't get to our shop.
Jeff Neven New Hope Bike Co-op Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 905-545-1991
[TheThinkTank] Mobile Bicycle Repair http://cid-c29d226e2ea29ee7.skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?page=browse&res...
To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 01:33:48 -0400 From: troyneiman@myself.com Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Mobile Bicycle Repair
I have been thinking about this a lot lately also.
The frustration of having several big bins of fliers and info, tools, small parts and art supplies we are constantly struggling to organize and reorganize every time we do an event which is quite often, has led me to take an interest in figuring out a better way to do it.
I recently purchased the Fat Max tool box for about $70. We have used it for two events this past weekend and so far and it seems surprisingly sturdy and is in fact made in the USA. I have set it up so that our tabling info (fliers, brochures, etc.) is in the bottom. The middle is separated into compartments making it easy to store tubes, chains cables, patch kits, etc. Then on top is your classic big open tool box with removable lid that is large enough to store most tools, rags and lube needed to do many on site repairs. It also has built in wheels and handle for easy moving and the whole thing slides open for complete access. The top is sturdy enough to hold the tool tray and some parts when open. The tool box itself is pretty light and I have turned it on its side and every thing stays pretty well in its place. I have not tried it on my bob trailer yet but look forward to doing so.
The other problem is hauling the pop up tent, tables, stands and anything else we may need. I also want something that on top of being extremely functional will look awesome and attract everyone's attention. The Metrofeit mobile bike station is incredible and inspiring but may be a little daunting for most of us to create. This is a all in one bike trailer display that I found to be a little more DIY friendly and still has all the necessities. Anybody else seen anything similar to this?
Has anyone had any experience with the Mobile Park Tool suit case vs. the Padros tool case?
We have 3 things that we normally do at tabling events...
Attend an event as a way to get the word out about what we do and the services available. For this we bring 10 x10 pop up tent, 6' folding table, large banner, chairs our brochures, upcoming classes and event info, sign up sheets for mailing list, one of those clear plastic boxes with dividers for a bunch of different stickers, merchandize (bottle cap magnets, coozies, bells, etc.) a little container with office supplies like pens, rubber bands, zip ties, string,tape, etc. Other bike info, Tucson bike maps, safety info.
We have all the above but also offer free bike check ups and repairs. For this we bring all the above but include a big free bike check ups sign,
all tools needed for most repairs and adjustments. lube, rags, aprons, cleaner, bike stand, spare tubes, cables, chains. random nuts and bolts, random ferrels, cable ends. Patch kits and tire levers to sell.
- We do the above but also have some fun art projects. For this we bring an extra table, some butcher paper to cover the table. We have black and white photo copies of bicycles that we have kids color with markers. We do bike bell painting with big ding-dong bells from J&B importers that we let people paint their own bell with paint markers. Inner tube wallet making with old tubes. This we mostly do at kids events. O, and its always fun to have a bottle of bubbles and some chalk on hand.
Troy Neiman BICAS Tucson AZ
-----Original Message----- From: Sam Haraldson samh@samh.net To: The Think Tank thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Sent: Wed, Apr 6, 2011 1:34 pm Subject: [TheThinkTank] Mobile Bicycle Repair
I am interested in discussing mobile bicycle repair with other cooperatives who currently own or operate them. The Bozeman Bike Kitchen will begin fund-raising toward this goal starting in two weeks and I'm very interested in seeing or hearing about the mobile rigs other cooperatives have set-up.
- tool list
- cargo bike vs. trailer vs. both
- consumable parts list (tires, tubes, lube, et al)
- what advocacy stuff to include (banners, stickers, brochures, and how to carry them)
- booth, tent, other
- other issues I'm short-sighted on...
Thanks, Sam _______________________________________________
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