After six years, the Des Moines Bicycle Collective has now grown enough to justify hiring its first full-time executive director. Exciting and scary times.
Kent Newman and myself, two founding members, are about to cycle off the board (literally and figuratively) at year's end. The timing is ripe for someone to step up. Neither of us will toss our hats in the ring; we're ready to hand off the reins.
Earlier this year, the Collective moved into a new 3,500 sq. ft. space and our program has exploded. And, so has the potential. We also operate a B-cycle program (6 stations and 38 bikes) that will nearly double its presence in 2014.
Link to job description: http://www.dsmbikecollective.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/CollectiveEDJobD...
Candidates can contact me for details.
Thanks and see you on the road,
Carl Voss carlvoss@mac.com Mobile: 515-210-0237 Des Moines Bicycle Collective, Central Iowa's only nonprofit bike shop. Become a member today for $40.Use our secure donation form.