Greetings list members,
Neighborhood Bike Works is seeking a part time Earn-a-Bike Instructor. The job description, application instructions and qualifications required are below. At this point we definitely need someone who is already a capable bicycle mechanic. A person with experience as a youth worker would be a big plus, too.
This is a very exciting job if you like working on bikes and are committed to helping a diverse group of youth from Philadelphia's neighborhoods renovate bikes. NBW instructors also teach bicycle safety, so successful applicants must be enthusiastic about riding bikes in the city. We usually pay instructors $10.00/hour.
Please send resumes and/or questions to Andy Dyson at andy@neighborhoodbikeworks.org, not to this list.
Thank you for your time
NBW Earn-a-Bike instructor 2007
Hours: At least half an hour on each side of when the class starts and finishes but you must be flexible. Usually 3:00-6:30 on weekdays, plus staff meetings and occasional special events. Frequent Saturday hours—at least every second Saturday. 16-24 hours per week; could be more later in the year.
Reports to: Executive Director
Dates: Ongoing.
Organize workshop and storage space
Understand NBW’s overall program goals including: o Job readiness, employability o Positive relationships with peers and adults o Physical fitness o Community involvement o etc
Teach bike repair classes for groups of up to 12 youth aged 8-17
Teach bike safety classes o Includes being here at least ½ hour before class, expecting to stay ½ after it ends o Review existing materials o Help develop existing materials o Keep records of homework and tests, before and after surveys and evaluations o Supervise volunteers and Penn work-study students o Supervise YouthWorks students, if any o Procure and supervise snacks
Lead other activities
Manage rides
Recruitment and class size maintenance o Communication with NBW Program Coordinator and some program partners o Maintaining lists of potential students o Calling people who are on lists Developing good relationships with families Updating information on people who move
Communicate with parents, partners and volunteers
Help organize and attend graduation ceremony (evening hours or Saturday one day)
Handle high intensity situations calmly
Help ensure compliance with health and safety regulations
Demonstrated ability to work with diverse groups of youth Competent bicycle mechanic Sense of humor Own bicycle and be able to ride twelve miles straight Youth work and bike shop mechanic experience desired This is a job that can require more or less constant physical activity Excellent personal communications skills Computer skills (Word and Excel for PC, e-mail, web) necessary
Please send resume and cover letter to Andy Dyson, Executive Director, Neighborhood Bike Works, 3916 Locust Walk Philadelphia PA 19104, or (preferably) e-mail to andy@neighborhoodbikeworks.org Please use Microsoft Word attachments including your name and the position being applied for in the file name. Files entitled “resume” may well be deleted, which can delay your application. Please do not use any kind of compression on the files. Candidates must be available to try out at NBW for a few days prior to class starting. Please check our web site for more information on NBW at www.neighborhoodbikeworks.org