So, my first post was offensive, but this my final post, will not be. I hope that people come to see the humanity, good and bad, that is in our society is in us too. So, if someone calls something you do or say racist or sexist, try to not take it as a condemnation. Instead, try to take it as a point for improvement. When I was grossly overweight a friend told me I was getting fat. He was right and my ultimate reaction of changing my habits may have saved my life. So, is their room in your life to be less sexist, racist, or elitist? I think the discussions of race and gender and privilege are vital. The human issues are as important to nuts and bolts to any organization. Anyway, I am going to work towards making guitars accessible in my community. Thanks for all the posts and happy rides to all. Art
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:06:30 -0600 From: gzuphoesdown@gmail.com To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Surveys for volunteer retention
i don't know annabelle. does she really have a beard?
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Velocipede Bike Project info@velocipedebikeproject.org wrote:
I'm gonna assume that you know anibal, you two have an understanding and
that is an inside joke between the two of you...
otherwise I would say that that comment is out of line and inappropriate.
hey Annabelle, you might want to consider waxing.
On 3/14/08, Anibal Davila caffenated@gmail.com wrote:
hey all,
to gain some insight into the universal problem of getting and keeping
volunteers, im currently working on a survey. I suspect people hesitate
tell me in person that they think the place is dirty, the volunteers are
rude and that i should shave more often, but people love giving that
kind of
input anonymously.
I want to find out the differences between regular clients and casual
volunteers. I also want to find out what keeps casual volunteers from
becoming regular volunteers.
I imagine disseminating it through all of our electronic outlets (list
serve, facebook group, Flickr group) as well using printed out forms in
Has anyone done this before? i would love to see other peoples
surveys/polls. Did you get useful data from it? problems in collection?
Anibal, Bikepirate
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