Hello all,
Locally, we have a think tank / forum that focuses on community progress and they have asked us for a recommendation on someone who can give a presentation / lecture on active transportation. Of course, we have no shortage of topics in mind.
So we'd like your help - who have you heard and think is great or would like to hear speak about what biking and/or walking can do and is doing to help improve quality of life? Or, maybe you're the person we're looking for - if so, let us know!
To dig into this a little more, there are a ton of areas we'd love to focus on; however, improving support for and accessibility to biking and walking for people in undeserved and low-income communities is definitely high on our list. Whether it's one particular topic such as community building, bike cooperatives, youth programs, bike clubs, or otherwise, or a combination of many topics, we'd like to find a great speaker who can discuss the importance of biking and/or walking and share what they've done and accomplished in their city.
Also, I think we've all heard our fair share of "experts" who, while brilliant and passionate, they just aren't good presenters for whatever reason. We don't need a Winston Churchill or MLK, Jr., but we need someone who can offer great insight and isn't dull. Also, the closer the person is to Erie the better, and we're looking to schedule someone for spring.
For some background, Erie is a city of 100,000 and has no bike shop or bike cooperative within city limits. We have fewer than two miles of bike lanes (though a really nice 10 mile multiuse path), we don't have a bike/ped coordinator or bike/ped plan, but we are set up in a wicked awesome grid system and have wide roads with not much congestion.
About us - we're a new organization (circa 2012) and there has never been a bike advocacy organization like us. In other words, we all have a long ways to go and providing education opportunities like this to help spark further action, involvement and investment is very important.
Thanks for you help and suggestions!
Justin Smith
Bike Erie
www.bikeerie.org [1]
(814) 580-9108
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