I'm writing up a Need Statement for our group and am coming up short. Below is the current draft, I'm going to prepare an annotated version as well but that's it at the moment. I'm finding lots of research supporting the need for improved infrastructure, and for cycling safety courses. What I am not finding after poking around a bit is research indicating the need for teaching mechanical skills to riders.
I know from experience that these skills are important to riding with regularity and making bikes a reliable transportation choice. I know from what I've seen and heard that flat tires, bad bikes, and other mechanical woes that can be relieved with basic mechanical knowledge are often a deterrent. But if, for example, you read the US DOT Case Study No. 1 - Reasons Why Bicycling and Walking Are Not Being Used More Extensively as Travel Modes, or the University of British Columbia's Cycling in Cities research, you don't see mechanical concerns anywhere in their studies. I suspect it was not a part of their surveys, and thus not accounted for.
Has anyone prepared a need statement for their mechanical /do-it-together workshops, and found research to support what we have seen to have significant value?
-Paul The Bicycle Tree P.O. Box 11293 Santa Ana, CA 92711 http://www.thebicycletree.org info@thebicycletree.org
Need Statement: In the United States, less than half of all adults and only 35.8% of high school students get enough aerobic physical activity to improve their health. Less than 2% of Americans cycle daily, and 5.3% ride a bike in a given week, even though 40% of all trips are two miles or less. 71% of Americans say they would like to bicycle more than they do now, and a Rodale Press survey found that 40 percent of those surveyed said they would commute by bike if safe facilities were available.
The impact on health of our transportation choices is further felt in clear ways. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, and the leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year olds. Our transportation system consumes 70% of our crude oil, and is the second leading source of greenhouse gas emissions. The sum total of resources required for roadway, parking, and motor vehicle construction, production, and maintenance is immense.
Changing our cities to move forward from older patterns requires community effort. A review of 139 studies concluded that substantial increases in bicycling require an integrated package of numerous interventions, including bike-specific infrastructure and pro-bicycle programs, as well as supportive land use planning.
The Bicycle Tree exists to support bicyclists and create healthy bicycle-friendly communities through activities, advocacy and education. We take a variety of approaches, including engaging with decision-makers, involving the public in transportation planning, teaching bicycle safety and maintenance, and leading community bike rides, to bring about this much-needed change to the places where we live.