Hey Jim, Ainsley, and everyone,
We've been approached by several even promoters to handle bike parking for them this spring and summer, and we're looking into some bike parking options as well.
I found this on flickr yesterday, and think it might be the way we go:
the racks are built of metal 2x4 studs and plywood, and the crossbars are conduit. they look pretty durable while also being lightweight, and cheap and easy to make. i've starting looking for somewhere that can donate the metal studs, so we can begin building them.
will let you all know how it goes once we have some.
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Ainsley Naylor needleandthread@gmail.comwrote:
get a bunch of futon frames. set them on a 45-degree angle (with wooden framing), maybe use hinges for portability. so many futon frames in the garbage!
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Jim Sheehan sheehan.jim@gmail.comwrote:
Hello, colleagues;
The Ohio City Bicycle Co-op http://ohiocitycycles.org/ has been valet-parking bikeshttp://ohiocitycycles.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24%3Avalet-bike-parking&Itemid=41at community events for about 10 years. We have tried many different solutions for portable parking racks for this service including shipping pallets and baby-crib rails, and are now using bike rimshttp://ocbc.smugmug.com/Other/Earthfest-2007-2007-04-23/0614091211/838487842_6Xyrf-S.jpgscrewed to three furring stripshttp://ocbc.smugmug.com/Other/Earthfest-2007-2007-04-23/0614091210/838487814_mf4xA-Ti.jpg, (the best photos we have are in these links).
We're looking for a better solution, as we have several regular yearly events where we need to park up to 300 bikes. As the above-linked photos attest, portability is a primary consideration. Thanks to a grant from Cleveland Colectivo http://www.clevelandcolectivo.org/, we are offering $250 to anyone with a better idea.
This contest closes May 11th. As explained in the contest parametershttp://ohiocitycycles.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=111:rack-design-contest&catid=1:latest, any un-patented existing designs are eligible, and the winning design will be made available to all.
Feel free to forward this email to any of your members, or other groups, who might benefit.
Good luck! Jim
Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1823 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667 OhioCityCycles.org
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