Add anti-seize to the nipple rim contact patch and you will have even better control of your wheel build. if you are in a salt free  roads area of the country you can use a heavy grease like Phil Woods. You will be able to make finer adjustments, achieve tension easier, and reduce damage to nipples with rim hole lube.

Christopher Wallace
Holistic Cycles
140 Harrison St
Oak Park, IL. 60304

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] What level of repairs at Farmers Market
From: DancesWithCars <>
Date: Wed, February 25, 2015 7:07 pm
To: The Think Tank <>

Also mechanical demos at fms.  Slow market, bring truing stand, build a wheel: lace, tension, and true.
Explain the process as you are doing it or show someone else how away from a hectic indoor shop.
Do spokecalc and cut spokes to length, ahead of time, or show that too.  bring spokeprep, various spoke wrenches.
A lot of clinics are emergency repairs level and some are feeders to the main coop/shop/ youth program.  Intro here, learn more and practice there.
Actually learning instead of just paying beats most regular lbs much less warehouse stores.
Added bonus, usually take home some produce/bakery but  remember to bike more than you eat, bring panniers, trailer, etc 👗👙🎂🎭🍦🍔🍟🍕🍗🍤🍞🍌🍎🍏🍊🍋🍅🍇🍓🍉🍐🍑🍒🌽
On Feb 25, 2015 8:47 PM, <> wrote:
Has anyone thought of doing better labor than a bike shop can provide? Upping the game of quality. True a wheel and two weeks later it is out of true; True, Round and tension the wheel and it will stay true for months if not a year or two. True with a guarantee is upping the game of Quality with a focus on improving the ride experience of cyclist. What do you all think 

Christopher Wallace
Holistic Cycles
140 Harrison St
Oak Park, IL. 60304

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] What level of repairs at Farmers Market
From: Joshua Goran <>
Date: Wed, February 25, 2015 2:32 pm

For a now defunct start-up project I had a few years ago, we would do chain and cable/housing replacements and true wheels on the bike when I did repairs at a local Farmers Market, and I charged $30/hour + parts at that time, but that is very cheap in hindsight. Basically we'd do up to what a typical shop includes in their 'basic tune up' plus cable and minor accessory installation and flat repairs.
Joshua Goran
Administrator, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op

1840 Columbus Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216 830 2667


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