yo bikers- check this out & the bike tour leading up to it. (description at end of email)
BioJustice 2007 is a week long celebration of sustainable food and alternatives to corporate healthcare. It is being developed by a wide coalition of public interest groups, activists, farmers, scientists, and concerned citizens, working together in response to the biotechnology industry's international convention scheduled for the new Boston Convention and Exhibition Center during May 6-9, 2007.
The biotech industry is bringing thousands of executives, lawyers, public relations people and corporate scientists to Boston to promote their agenda of genetically engineered food, unaffordable high-tech medicines and dangerous biodefense research that increases the threat of new biological weapons. Through parades, rallies, educational events and publications, music, a free health care clinic and free daily non-GMO meals, Biojustice 2007 will dramatize popular resistance to this agenda and highlight a wealth of community-based alternatives.
BioJustice 2007 supports a decentralized local food economy that is free of genetically modified organisms, and is committed to working towards an accessible health care system not dominated by pharmaceutical companies and their costly and unreliable synthetic drugs. We oppose the commodification of life and support community resistance to the plans for a biological weapons lab in the heart of the Roxbury neighborhood. Join us! for more info:email spokes@riseup.net or squash@riseup.net There are a few ways to get involved. We are looking for:
- Local folks to help organize. Find spaces for events, secure donations,
put up flyers, etc.. 2. Herbalists, doctors, nurses, EMTs and street medics to volunteer in the free clinic and in the streets the week of BioJustice. Donate to the clinic herbs, tincures or medical supplies by emailing mblue@risup.net or towhombeautyistruth@riseup.net 3. Food and monetary donations. 4. Sign makers, marchers and puppeteers for the demonstrations! 5. People to help in the kitchen cooking and serving food. 6. Help spread the word! forward this email, check out the websites: www.biojustice2007.org www.biodev.org 7. Saddle up with friends on The Seed Sow Road Show! The 4 day, 100 mile bike tour will start in Providence on May 1st, ride 50 miles to Worcester, then 50 miles to end at BioJustice, 2007, stopping at gardens, farms and schools along the way! We will be volunteering to help folks in their gardens and farms, playing music and performing puppet shows for little kiddies and farmers. Folks who are interested in performing should bring shows already prepared with them. Anyone interested in presenting on the issue of biotechnology, food and medicine, come with your material rehearsed and ready to go. Others are welcomed to just come along for the ride and for the farming! Everyone should try to come prepared with a working bicycle, proper tour equipment, a helmet, camping gear and expect to pitch in! for more info or to rsvp email spokes: spokes@riseup.net