25 Aug
25 Aug
2:18 p.m.
I thought I’d inquire to see if anyone is gearing up to run bike-related programs/classes this fall?
If so, via online or in-person? Our nonprofit is considering our high school class program (Bike2Leadership) in some modified capacity TBD.
Any recommendations and/or resources is always appreciated.
Thanks! Peter.
Peter Van Tilburg Executive Director, Board VP Bike Clark County
Community Bike Shop:
1604 Main St., Vancouver, WA. 98660
Wed-Sat 11am-6pm, Sunday 11am-4pm
c. 503.572.9894 peter@bikeclarkcounty.org http://www.linkedin.com/in/petervantilburg http://www.bikeclarkcounty.org/ http://www.bikeclarkcounty.org/ www.bikeclarkcounty.org Bike Clark County is equipping, empowering, and connecting youth to our community.