Jess Linz and I will be attending the conference as well. We moved to Guadalajara from Cincinnati, where we helped run MoBo Bicycle Co-op, a week ago and are getting involved here with the folks at GDL en Bicihttp://gdlenbici.org/, which runs a shop called Casa Ciclista (the Bike Kitchen helped get that project off the ground by donating tools).
We're really looking forward to your presentation, Bobby, and to the conference as a whole, which sounds like it's going to be really great. I definitely encourage anyone thinking about coming to do so- bike activism here is vibrant and the community is awesome! Also, Jess and I will almost certainly have floor space available by the time of the conference!
Dugan Meyer
On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 1:21 AM, Bobby Gadda bgadda@gmail.com wrote:
Hello Think-Tankers!
I am going to the Towards Car-Free Cities conferencehttp://carfree.mx/mx/?tag=englishthis next month, and I will be doing a presentation/workshop on bike co-ops! First of all, is anyone else from a co-op or bike project planning to go? I think it will be a very educational and inspiring conference, let me know if you are going.
Second, I am focusing my presentation on how bike co-ops are a fantastic addition to a transportation system, and how city governments should support them. Does anyone have any good examples of a city or other government agency providing a free space, or funding, or other support for a bike co-op? I already have the Austin Yellow Bike story of how the city helped them get their land...
Thank you!
Bobby Gadda The Bicycle Kitchen in Los Angeles
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