Hi all! This is a little off-topic from bike collectives stuff but still in the bike spectrum of things, so here's what's up:
Mexico City just installed the first technical board for bike share and dockless transportation systems infrastructure and operations management and I'm super stoked to be part of it. Right now we're trying to gather information from other systems around the world on what their regulations are specifically with the dockless bikes and scooters operators. Some of the questions we're trying to find answers for are:
- What are the requirements for companies that offer these services to
operate in your city?
- Do companies have to pay some sort of right to operate in the city? If
so, how much is it and how often do you do contract renewal?
- Which are the penalties for companies who don't stick to the rules?
- Do companies have to install infrastructure for their bikes? Given
they are dockless, some sort of designated spaces or areas?
- Do companies have to contribute to the bike infrastructure maintenance?
If you or anyone you know have some info or is willing to chat at some point, let me know!
Thanks everyone!
Much love,
-Jim Mayerstein