Wow, that rope measurer is fuckin' sweet. Honestly we just loosely ziptie the rolls a of couple times and hang it on pegboard in a mechanic's-only area. Not that people don't sneak over and grab it, but when it's already on their bike, I'm certainly going to round up when in doubt. Hm. We have this "taking for granted" problem with ferrules, as well, which quickly add up.
Anyway, the bright side of the ziptied (cable tie actually, pardon the branding) roll is I can stick my arm through and carry it about on my shoulder, which makes cutting new lengths for bikes (when you don't have the old housing to go off of) quicker and more accurate.
Also, when people have to ask for access to the housing, I can help them choose compressionless or spiral and explain the difference. Otherwise we used to end up with someone about to leave, then we notice that they've just cabled their brakes with compressionless housing and have to stay open late to help them replace it all and hope the cables don't fray, etc. etc.
Let me know what you come up with.
On 8/6/09, MoBo Bicycle Co-op mobobicyclecoop@gmail.com wrote:
Right to move in Montreal used old 35 mm film reels to hold the housing. We've never had much trouble selling new housind because it's like a dollar a yard wholesale and most people would rather use new than dig through old.
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Geoffrey B vous.je@gmail.com wrote:
reel it around a wheel without a tire. Lock the wheel into the wall and re-spool the housing when empty..
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Jonathan Morrison < jonathan@slcbikecollective.org> wrote:
Has anyone figured out a good way to dispense new housing in bulk? A new set of cables / housing on a bike makes a huge difference -- but I don't think people realize how much this costs and take it for granted. We can of course try to throw volunteers / staff that we don't have at the situation, but I am hoping that there is a way were we could show the cost of housing as they pull it out. Just like gas at the gas pump.
I was looking at this rope application as a possible solution..... http://www.botachtactical.com/pmiropmeas.html
Jonathan Morrison Executive Director Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective 2312 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115 w: 801-328-2453 c: 801-688-0183 f: 801-466-3856 www.slcbikecollective.org
Get Addicted to Crank! http://www.slcbikecollective.org/crank/
The mission of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective is to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society. The Bicycle Collective provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community, focusing on children and lower income households.
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-- Geoffrey B
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe, send a blank email to TheThinkTank-leave@bikecollectives.org To manage your subscription, plase visit:
-- MoBo Bicycle Co-op a project of The Village Green Foundation 1415 Knowlton Ave Northside Cincinnati, OH