Woo hoo! Bikes Belong, Alliance for Walking and Biking and the League of American Bicyclists to combine forces...
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Jeff Miller <jeff@peoplepoweredmovement.org
We have exciting news to share with you. We have taken the initial steps to unify three national bicycling organizations — the Alliance, the League of American Bicyclists http://www.bikeleague.org and Bikes Belonghttp://www.bikesbelong.org— to create a powerful, dynamic new voice for cyclists at the local, state and national level.
There are a lot of details and work ahead, but we are excited to combine the diverse strengths of our powerful coalition of state and local organizations with the storied national user group, and a vibrant industry association in a way that preserves their unique attributes and realizes the game-changing potential of a single organization.
I encourage you to check out the bloghttp://www.peoplepoweredmovement.org/site/index.php/site/blog/4002/we’ve just posted and review our answers to anticipated questions. Feel free to call me personally at (202) 445-4415 or e-mail me with any additional questions you have.
We will reach out to you in the coming weeks and months for your input on how this new unified organization can best serve our movement and grow cycling to levels we’ve previously only dreamed of.
Here’s to a bright future realizing the full potential of our movement.
Jeffrey Miller