I was in the US last year and was impressed with your diy bike collective culture, this list, and the BikeBike. I just wanted to say cheers, it is inspiring.
Some friends in Manchester are holding a Grassroots Bicycle Conference in the UK on the 9-10th of April.
If anyone is interested then you can sign-up here:
Also if there is anyone else from the UK on this list that isn't on the UK bike list
send me an email. It would be great to be connected and we are lucky enough to live in a country where we can cycle to all the cities pretty easily.
nab (from the Pedallers Arms, Leeds)
P.S. not sure if I saw this on the list but oskar from the Bike Kitchen in Vienna popped into the Pedallers and told us about this bike festival that they are holding at the end of July http://cyclocamp.blogsport.eu/%5B1]