I like Utica Bikes or Utica Bike Rescue ;)
half joking... but it is interesting how projects in geographic regions share names as a result of the general public having a knowledge of what a word insinuates.....
like in california and other places, there are 'bike kitchens' it started with one bike kitchen to my knowledge, and then people understood what a 'bike kitchen' was presumably and as other shops in the region formed, it made sense to adopt that terminology.
around here in the northeast people think in the same way of a 'bike rescue' - a term that before TBR and ABR would have not had much meaning.... but now it does. so perhaps this is of use.
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Matthew VanSlyke < vanslyke.matthew@gmail.com> wrote:
Plans are progressing nicely here in the Empire State and if all goes well we'll be opening a new community bike shop here in Utica, NY very soon.
As you all know, there are many, many details and decisions to be made. One of these early decisions is choosing the right name. We've bounced around several ideas and I'm trying to come up with something that jumps out at me but so far that hasn't happened.
So I thought I'd put it out to this group and ask that you share some ideas about how you came to be "who" you are.
Did you: Pick names from a hat? Throw darts at a wall? Take a vote? Go with your gut and use the first name that came to mind?
And, do you now regret the name you chose for any reason? Did you end up changing the name? If so, why?
I'd like to hear from you. Thanks a bunch.
*Matt VanSlyke* *_______ Bike __________ * *Utica, NY*
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