I have to agree. Discrimination in response is counterproductive and bicycle coöperatives are not simply so some can counter their personal or more general traumas on others. The schisms that are appearing in the bike community are hurting biking and communities. There is an arrogance unbecoming that is driving many away and hurting people of long-standing in the community. This goes for in general society as well. It is a cult that is dangerous and in the end will not achieve its goals. This happened in my coöperative where someone came in and try to take control and work her personal agenda to change the culture that had been in place for over a decade. People can all have their opinions and want to educate people and make changes for the better. Yet, the present tactics and strategies will in the end backfire. Revolutions oft fail because they become what they fought against.
~Robert Rands
On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 4:04:10 PM EDT, <thethinktank-request@lists.bikecollectives.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Tire disposal (Sunny Nestler) 2. Re: Congrats M?xico City for getting B!B! 2020 (Sunny Nestler) 3. Re: Bike Buddy Programs (Sunny Nestler) 4. Re: Kicked out of Bike!Bike!?! (Gordon Hamachi) 5. Re: Kicked out of Bike!Bike!?! (Ainsley Naylor) 6. Re: Kicked out of Bike!Bike!?! (Jason Moore) 7. Re: Kicked out of Bike!Bike!?! (Judith Feist) 8. Re: Rad Videos About Your Shop: Who's Got Em? (Audrey Wiedemeier) 9. Re: Kicked out of Bike!Bike!?! (Kathleen Marron)
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 15:23:31 -0700 From: Sunny Nestler programs@bikecoop.ca To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Tire disposal Message-ID: CAK_PEs4W963mY=6yXDjeaNWmZPNCAjREz6j5i4jM7_AO-PrdoA@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Just to add to what JF said re the Bike Kitchen in Vancouver - we combine tire loads with 2 other community bike shops in town and drive them to a tire processor in a Modo (car share) pickup truck. We don't pay to recycle them anymore, they just take them for free and throw them into a pile of what is mostly semi truck tires. We do have to weigh in/out. They get chipped on site and used for asphalt production (and probably other things I don't know about!)
There used to be a second recycler in town and we had tried for several years to combine tire runs with other bike shops but that never quite got off the ground for a number of reasons.
Thinking about it makes me tired!
*Sunny Nestler*, *Programs Manager* AMS Bike Co-op + Bike Kitchen University of British Columbia 604-822-2453 | thebikekitchen.ca http://thebikekitchen.ca| @BikeKitchenUBC
On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 11:27 AM Tigre Bici bici.uanl@gmail.com wrote:
Just to recommend a book that starts with car tire disposal in san diego and ends with bicycles https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25690420-the-coyote-s-bicycle
On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 7:18 AM Eric Brozell eric@bikeerie.org wrote:
Dear Think Tank Supporters,
There are things that can be done with used tires. This image was of an old rack that we updated and made a little bit more secure.
To add to the recycling idea. We reuse inner tubes for tie wraps. The wraps are used to tie matched parts together, tie parts onto a bike during an extended repair process, and just an easy to use and reuse organizer tool. I like these over the plastic tie wraps because I can untie them without a tool to cut them off.
Eric Brozell Bike Erie and Pedal Mettle Erie
On Oct 12, 2019, at 2:33 AM, DancesWithCars danceswithcars@gmail.com wrote:
They make good bungee cords for hauling things on touring racks...
As shims, anti-twist, rub, etc for stuff on handlebars like camera, light, etc mounts...
I've seen a co-op wrap handlebars with them..
Phoenix made bow ties out of some...
Just sayin, get creative...
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019, 19:02 Jean-Fran?ois Caron jfcaron3@gmail.com wrote:
At the AMS Bike Co-op in Vancouver for a while we had to personally deliver the tires to an industrial recycler in a really bike-unfriendly part of town. We would borrow the student society's pickup truck to do a delivery a few times per year. They charged by the ton. IIRC we also co-operated with other community bike shops to aggregate all our tires for a single delivery.
Whether they take bicycle tires is really up to the individual recyclers, you have to call and ask for specifics. Unfortunately the volumes are usually so low a lot of companies won't think it's worth the hassle - even if you pay a fee.
At smaller shops where I've volunteered the tires just end up in the trash.
Jean-Fran?ois On 2019-10-11 12:22 p.m., Kristin Kinnamon wrote:
Our local Les Schwab tire store takes them as part of their recycling program.
Kristin Kinnamon
Sharing Wheels Community Bike Shop
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019, 8:46 AM breathingplanet . < breathingplanet@gmail.com> wrote:
what do you do with your no good tires (dry rot, worn out, etc) ?
Survey says.......
Thx! Andrew Troy Bike Rescue ____________________________________
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