Carbon credits generated by riding bicycles

Hi All, Just yesterday while attending "Bike Summit " an idea of accessing the carbon credits we bicycle riders constantly accrue solidified. The key is the promise bike. Thanks to Bill Wright of The Arcata Bike Library who reserves the nicer library bikes for patrons who promise not to use a car in town. Bill keeps track of the number of promise bikes and then makes claims to local institutions that provide parking for cars. He is providing a value because the bicycle riders do not require a $43,000 parking space. He sent a bill to the local college for millions payable over thirty years. Here is the adaptation of the Promise Bike to carbon credits. When we ride our bikes the miles traveled represent carbon not burnt by making the same trip in a car. When a cyclist enrolls in the local promise bike program phe (a gender neutral pro-noun replacing the cumbersome he/she) creates carbon credits which are donated to a local cycle-centric organization. That local organization can then sell the credits to concerned but still car driving individuals, or when a person fly in an airplane they can buy promise bike carbon credits. This is the basic idea. I see this as having a huge potential for many aspects of our sheared mission. (The replacement of the automobile as the primary transportation choice for humans in general)
- A method of capitalizing the riding of a bicycle
- A method of documenting the use of bicycles
- A source of funding for cycle-centric organizations
- An opportunity for persons who are concerned but not able for what ever reason to participate directly in the new economy and sustainable lifestyle options.
What I propose is we (the bicycle collective) collaborate on a wiki to forge this program. The tasks I see are:
- What does a carbon credit certificate look like?
- How do we establish the promise bike program?
Where do you go to sign up? How is the integrity of these certificates substantiated? 3. Establishing a monetary value for our carbon credits. I see this as one more organ in our revolution. We are pillars in this community. Roll on Jim
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