do you have an internship program? details please!

Hi, friends.
Sopo just got its first intern, an 11th grader with an anti-authoritarian outlook who's ready to learn how to alter power structures (his words, I swear!). We're all kinds of thrilled about creating a radical internship program for him, and we want him to get the most out of the experience. I'm working on the structure end of things. His school didn't supply us with any parameters (the idea is to spend time at some nonprofit of your choice and write a few review papers). I'm wondering:
- if you offer internships at your shop, what kind of structure do you
- if you have experience with radical internships, can you share a
little bit about that with us?
Thanks! rachael

Racchel and all- It's 5 pm on the 31st and still got no costume, so I'll be more brief than usual. BICAS just got a slew (slough?) of interns from a local independent/charter highschool. Similarly, these folks are pre-disposed to a radical worldview, and most of them have been hanging around BICAS for some time. We are trying to integrate them into our core collective by requesting that, in addition to the projects that they work on, they come to collective/staff meetings. They get the same consensus rights as any other staff at the meetings, and we are trying to brainstorm ideas for how to most effectively hear their ideas. We intend for the interns to start a 'youth subcommitee' that would also have regular meeting times, and might function as a more permanent way to give youth an active role in BICAS decisionmaking. That said, things are off to a little bit of a rocky start. Plus, when BICAS had interns before, I heard that things didn't go all that well. So I'm really interested to hear how things go with the intern at SoPo, and any ideas that you might have for us. more soon, kyle
On 10/31/07, rachael spiewak wrote:
Hi, friends.
Sopo just got its first intern, an 11th grader with an anti-authoritarian outlook who's ready to learn how to alter power structures (his words, I swear!). We're all kinds of thrilled about creating a radical internship program for him, and we want him to get the most out of the experience. I'm working on the structure end of things. His school didn't supply us with any parameters (the idea is to spend time at some nonprofit of your choice and write a few review papers). I'm wondering:
if you offer internships at your shop, what kind of structure do you use? if you have experience with radical internships, can you share a little bit about that with us?Thanks! rachael
Thethinktank mailing list
participants (2)
kyle mckinley
rachael spiewak