Looking for some beta testers for a Bike Collectives translation and copy editing website

Hey folks, I'm looking for some people to start beta testing a new site that I've been working on: https://workbench.bikecollectives.org/
The site contains mockups and translations for Bike!Bike!but will also be used for bikecollectives.org once development starts on the new site.The current feature set includes the ability to edit English copy, add or edit Spanish and French Translations, and comment on page designs. I've already added all the users who attended Bike!Bike! 2016, but if I missed you or you didn't attend last year, either email me directly or use the access request interface which you will see once logging in.
Please note that editing this copy will not change the live site but will be queued to be deployed at a later date, so if you mess around please put things back or let me know if you run into troubles. Feel free to make actual improvements to copy where you see fit.
In any case, I'm looking for feedback, feature requests, and of course bugs. If you're github user you can write issues here: https://github.com/bikebike/bikecollectives_workbench, otherwise please email me directly.
Somethings to note:
- I have no plans to add mobile or older browser support or translations any time soon
- Since this is in development, please expect downtime but please let me know if it is down
- The mockups on the site are captured during automated testing so they don't always appear exactly as they do in your browser
Thanks! godwin
participants (1)
Godwin !