Fwd: nowtopia: writings in the anarcho-marxist hinterland....

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: francesca the coat the.coat.and.general@gmail.com Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 8:25 PM Subject: nowtopia: writings in the anarcho-marxist hinterland.... To: the.coat.and.general@gmail.com
Dear friends, acquaintances, esteemed professors, good people,
The author of "Nowtopia", an interesting book that taps into some of the important questions du jour about revalorization and anticapitalist practice, that also happens to be written by my dear old dad, is in town and having three book talks scattered around new york. I do think it is an interesting interrogation, 'important' even, and I encourage a sojourn out to see what it's all about. I hear the discussions so far during his tour in baltimore, philly, etc, have been pretty interesting and i'm sure the trend will continue in ny.
FRIDAY, May 9, 7:30pm: Brecht Forum, manhattan
MONDAY, May 12, 7pm: Vox Pop, brooklyn -- Also performing with Carlsson at vox pop: music and sound performance by the indubitable Nader Hasan and the inscrutable Seth Porcello; short films by the incorrigible Brett Story; lecture #2 on the possibility of life without the sun "by" alexis bhagat.
WEDNESDAY May 14, 7pm: Bluestockings Books, manhattan
I encourage those who enjoy the odd aural experience or visceral film experience to come to vox pop, where Seth Nader and Brett will bring the best of Montreal to our borough. but i'll, sigh, probably be at them all, yelling at my dad like "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT". no just kidding.
more info on the book, etc, below
in love f.
*Nowtopia* is a book about a new politics of work. It profiles tinkerers, inventors, and improvisational spirits who bring an artistic approach to important tasks that are ignored or undervalued by market society. Rooted in practices that have been emerging over the past few decades, *Nowtopia*'s exploration of work locates an important thread of self-emancipatory class politics beyond the traditional arena of wage-labor.
Outlaw bicycling, urban permaculture, biofuels, free software, and even the Burning Man festival are windows into a scarcely visible social transformation that is redefining politics as we know it. As capitalism continues to corral every square inch of the globe into its logic of money and markets, new practices are emerging through which people are taking back their time and technological know-how. In small, under-the-radar ways, they are making life better right now, simultaneously building the foundation—technically and socially—for a genuine movement of liberation from market life.
*Nowtopia* uncovers the resistance of a slowly recomposing working class in America. Rarely defining themselves by what they do for a living, people from all walks of life are doing incredible amounts of labor in their "non-work" time, creating immediate practical improvements in daily life. The social networks they create, and the practical experience of cooperating outside of economic regulation, become a breeding ground for new strategies to confront the commodification to which capitalism reduces us all.
The practices outlined in *Nowtopia* embody a deep challenge to the basic underpinnings of modern life, as a new ecologically-driven politics emerges from below, reshaping our assumptions about science, technology, and human potential.
With historical grounding, a toolbox drawing from multiple schools of anti-capitalist thought and theory, and a refreshingly pragmatic approach, Carlsson opens our eyes to the revolutions of everyday life.
*Chris Carlsson*, executive director of the multimedia history project "Shaping San Francisco," is a writer, publisher, editor, and community organizer. He has edited four collections of political and historical essays. He helped launch the monthly bike-ins known as Critical Mass, and was long-time editor of *Processed World* magazine.
participants (1)
Chris Carlsson