Don't let the Senate make bicycling more dangerous for you

Federal support for bicycling is in trouble, again. The U.S. House and Senate have released bills that would reverse 20 years of progress toward making bicycling safe and stress-free for all Americans.
The current Senate transportation bill eliminates essential biking and walking programs. To improve the bill, we’re asking senators to vote for a bipartisan amendment that guarantees our local governments a voice in transportation decisions, allowing them to build bikeways and sidewalks that keep people safe.
Take action today to help preserve the successful, cost-effective federal investment in biking. Contact your state’s two U.S. senators to encourage them to vote for the Cardin-Cochran amendment: (You can find your senators, review basic suggested text for your email, and send your note directly from this link.)
Thank you for your help today, and for passing the call to action along.
participants (1)
Jonathan Morrison