Thanks all for the info on the Volunteer scheduling software/websites. Super helpful.
Bicycle Longmont (www.bicyclelongmont.org or www.longmontbikenight.blogspot.com ) has an annual fundraiser cruiser ride called "The G'Knight Ride", (www.gknightride.org) the G'Knight Ride is a family friendly cruiser ride that drew 1200 people in our first year. We've claimed Father's Day weekend for the ride, and it's a good sell - Bikes, Bands & Beer. It goes over well.
We are launching our Longmont Bike Garage this year and so much of our proceeds will go toward that endeavor as well as our Kid's Holiday Bike Program where we donate refurbished/donated bikes to low income families.
Anyway, this year we want to add an educational component to it and so we're planning a bike focused "conference". I don't like the word "conference" but, that's what it is. We're looking for a keynote speaker and ideas for workshops. Who are some of the really cool speakers you've heard and what are some of the best workshops/sessions you've attended.
We're taking referrals for indie bands too. We're up to our eyeballs in blue grass. Not that there's anything wrong with blue grass, mind you.
Thanks! Ryan
participants (1)
Ryan Kragerud