Mission Statement Discussion on Loomio

Hey just a reminder y'all. We're having a discussion re: establishing a mission/values statement for bike!bike!
If you're invested in the conference and the community bike shop world please participate in the conversation here: https://www.loomio.org/ discussions/7933
Here's what we have so far: The mission of B!B! is to foster growth and sustainability among community bicycle projects.
B!B! provides a venue for community bike projects from around the world to network and “cross pollinate” to share ideas and tactics for (building a stronger and wider network of community bicycle projects).
Since bike bike has no formal structure, this is entirely an "opt-in" consensus process (bike bike actually has no established decision making process so we're defaulting to consensus). Thus your input is INVALUABLE! Also, if you know of someone who might want to put in their 2c that isn't on FB or the Think Tank, please invite them to the discussion!
participants (1)
Darren Knox