Progressive Dinner and SSYR recap

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Safe Streets Youth Ride
Last Saturday, August 20th, about 40 of us got together. This was Youth Earn-a-Bike participants, their parents, volunteers, Detroit Cyclists and two of the racers from Motor City Racing (I bet you didn't even know we sponsor a racing team did you?)! Anyway, we got goodies donated from [5]Avalon and set off to the East Side with help from our friend Wayne of the East Side Riders. We ended up meeting up with the first graduating class from the [6]Mount Elliot Makerspace Youth Earn-a-Bike and rode through Indian Village (where the photo above was taken). Then we came back to the shop and had a picnic out back in the alley. Thanks to everyone that came out. Hopefully we'll see ya'll next year! Links: 5. 6.
Sneak Peek
_Other upcoming events to watch for:_ In October as things slow down at the shop, we are going to clean out the warehouse and have a _benefit concert surrounded by all our bikes_. People seem to like hanging out in our warehouse, hopefully they like rock and roll as well. Look out for that.
1st Ever Progressive Dinner Event
Save the Date: Sun. Sept. 18th
As you will read below our last event, the Safe Streets Youth Ride, was a complete success. Why stop there though? We are going to keep it moving with our first ever Progressive Dinner. We already have an [7]online registration set up for the event. $25 dollars will get you five courses of food along with supporting our Back Alley Bikes youth programming. You need to register before Sept. 11th so we know how many people to prepare for. The food is being prepared locally by awesome folks such as [8]Neighborhood Noodle, [9]Suddenly Sauer, Organaman and more. There will be vegan and vegetarian options at this event. The event will include a ride (between 10 and 15 miles) with 5 stops along the way where you get to eat amazing food with some good people. If you don't want to pay online you can come into the shop during retail hours and pay with cash. Let us know if you have questions! Links: 7. 8. 9.
Groupon Fundraiser
As you can tell, we are getting a little more serious about fund raising around here. We were approached by the [10]Groupon G-Team and basically from _August 30th-Sept 1st_ you will be able to donate on their website to help us fund another month for one of our Mechanics in Training. So if you donate on the Groupon site, we'll use that money to employ one of our teenage mechanics for another month and provide them with skills to work on bikes and survive in the work world as they move on to greater things. Keep your eyes open for that. Links: 10.
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