Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara

Hi friends. We do not have a complete list of every tool in our shop, but we do have this inventory of our large mobile kit. Hope it's helpful! Wrench on! ~Carlyn
15mm cone wrench x2
13mm cone wrench x2
cone wrench burrito (full set: 6mm-19mm)
pedal wrench
phillips screwdriver x3
tiny phillips screwdriver
flathead screwdriver x2
pin spanner
slot spanner
chainring bolt holder
spoke wrench 0
spoke wrench 1
spoke wrench 2
socket tri tool 8, 9, 10mm
allen tri tool 4, 5, 6mm
small allen tri tool 2, 2.5, 3mm
lockring tool
large adjustable wrench
cable cutters
channel locks
vice grips
needle nose pliers
chain checker
crank arm bolt remover
crank puller
- splined bottom bracket cup remover
freewheel keys
brake spring centering tool
allen key full set
5mm allen wrench
chain tool
brake center bolt wrench 8/10
headset wrench 30/32
headset wrench 40/36
chain whip
3rd hand tool
4th hand tool (cable puller)
freewheel brush
19mm wrench
17mm wrench x2
15mm wrench x3
14mm wrench x2
13mm wrench x2
12mm wrench
10mm wrench x2
9mm wrench x2
8mm wrench x2
7mm wrench
6mm wrench
6mm allen wrench
5mm allen wrench
8mm allen wrench
10mm allen wrench
long ¾ socket wrench
15 mm socket
chain ring bender
valve core stem remover
foldable allen tool
torx tri tool
tire levers
push pins
measuring tape
electrical tape
glue x2 (check still good)
rubbing alcohol
zip ties
bike aid
Triflow x2 (full)
extra chain tool pins
1st aid kit
brake pads
5mm ferrules
4 mm ferrules
cable crimps
axle nuts
braze on bolts
barrel adjusters
coaster brake arm brackets
Misc extra small parts

Here's a list of what I can think of off the top of my head; I'm sure that I missed some things. Specific part #s aren't listed, though I can help find the latter if requested.
Mobile tool kit assemblers won't need to pay attention to the quantity recommendations, or to the "Useful" category, or to obviously heavy things like a bench vise, pipe wrench, or the PRS Park series workstands.
~cyclista Nicholas
Bicycle-specific tools; with quantity recommendations (expendables are labeled "xInfinity"):
chain checker (cheapest Park model, CC-3.2, is ok) x1 tooth checker (KMC is cheaper than Rohloff) x2 offest brake wrench set (10-13mm) x2 offset brake wrench for springs (Park OBW-3) crank puller x4 octalink/isis crank puller x1 pedal wrench x4 tire levers (pedros', or the newest Park types TL-4.2 or TL-6.2) xInfinity cone wrench set (14+15mm are the only ones you really need to start out, 13+16 are sometimes needed) x4 spoke wrench set (3.23mm, 3.30mm, 3.45mm, 3.96mm, or a multi size wrench) xHoweverManyTruingStandsYouHave Park PRS series workstand x4 portable workstand (especially useful if prioritizing outside work) x4 professional truing stand (Park TS-1x, TS-2x and BikeHand's Park TS clone are most utilitarian, followed by just about anything else not made with plastic) x2 dishing stick/wheel alignment gauge x2 cable cutters (Park, Shimano, Sunlite) x2 master link pliers x1 shop quality chain breaker x4 replacement pins for chain breaker xInfinity adjustable cup wrench (Park HCW-11) x2 chainring nut/bolt wrench x4 lubricants: grease (Park or waterproof marine grease), oil (Whie Lightning, triflow, or on a budget, Black Magic tire shine), penetrant (PBBlaster or WD40) xInfinity tri-hex (4, 5, 6mm) x4 tri-socket (8, 9, 10mm) x4 metric allen/hex set (preferable p or t handles with both ball and non-ball ends, Park PH-1.2 is ideal) x4 spoke tensiometer x1 headset and bottom bracket cup remover x1 chain whip x4 chainline checker x1 derailer hanger alignment gauge x1 air pumps (with presta capability, or presta/schraeder adapters if not) xInfinity adjustable pin spanner x1 bottom bracket lockring wrench x4 bottom bracket fixed cup wrench (36mm) x4 cassette lockring and freewheel remover set (FR-1.3, FR-2, FR-3, FR-5.2, FR-6, FR-8, maillard) x2 Park spoke, bearing, and cotter pin ruler (the engraved one, usually blue, not the screenprinted one) x2 headset wrench set (Park HCW series 1-18) x4 20-spline bottom bracket tool x2 tire patch kit xInfinity
frame alignment gauge x1 headset/bearing cup press x1 crown race setter x1 disc brake rotor truing tool x1 threadless nut setter x1 fourth hand tool/cable stretcher x2 nipple driver x1 adjustable spoke wrench x1 axle vise x1 rim straightener/dent remover (Bicycle Research) x1 hydraulic brake bleed kit x1 tire seater (Park PTS-1) x1 cotter press x1
General tools; available from any hardware store, automotive store, garage sale, thrift store, or donated from non-bike folks, with quantity recommendations (expendables are labeled "xInfinity"):
crescent wrench (large) x1 channel lock pliers x1 phillips head screwdriver x4 slip-joint pliers x4 needle nose pliers x4 full set of metric wrenches (up to 17mm) x4 bolt cutter x1 chain joining helper (bent wire in a stretched c-shape) x4 hacksaw with spare blades (higher teeth counts are better for harder metals) x1 small and large wire brush x4 scissors x2 vise grips x3 bench vise x1 PPE (hand sanitizer, disposable masks, safety goggles, earplugs, Narcan, First Aid Kit) xInfinity simple green xInfinity hand cleaners: goop, fast orange, or various home preparations such as "olive oil and salt" xInfinity pegboard+pegs (for organizing tools; alternatively plywood and finishing nails, though the latter is less reconfigurable) x4 brushes, various sizes xInfinity rubber mallet x1 ball peen hammer x2 measurement calipers x4 metric socket+driver set x2 side cutters (also known as linesman's pliers) x4 shop rags xInfinity utility hooks xInfinity durable shelves xinfinity
18+19mm wrenches x1 chisel xInfinity breaker bars (can be made from any pipe, including unwanted bike frames) xInfinity pipe wrench (make sure the teeth aren't dull) x1 drill (corded is cheaper and more powerful) x1 drillbit set xInfinity file (half round and round are especially useful) xInfinity box cutter x2 bench grinder with wire wheel x1 pipe cutter x1 steel wool xInfinity torque wrench x1 metric torx set x1 pickle fork/bearing puller x1 mini grease gun x2
On 2021-05-05 04:51, Carlyn Arteaga wrote:
Hi friends. We do not have a complete list of every tool in our shop, but we do have this inventory of our large mobile kit. Hope it's helpful! Wrench on! ~Carlyn
15mm cone wrench x2
13mm cone wrench x2
cone wrench burrito (full set: 6mm-19mm)
pedal wrench
phillips screwdriver x3
tiny phillips screwdriver
flathead screwdriver x2
pin spanner
slot spanner
chainring bolt holder
spoke wrench 0
spoke wrench 1
spoke wrench 2
socket tri tool 8, 9, 10mm
allen tri tool 4, 5, 6mm
small allen tri tool 2, 2.5, 3mm
lockring tool
large adjustable wrench
cable cutters
channel locks
vice grips
needle nose pliers
chain checker
crank arm bolt remover
crank puller
- splined bottom bracket cup remover
freewheel keys
brake spring centering tool
allen key full set
5mm allen wrench
chain tool
brake center bolt wrench 8/10
headset wrench 30/32
headset wrench 40/36
chain whip
3rd hand tool
4th hand tool (cable puller)
freewheel brush
19mm wrench
17mm wrench x2
15mm wrench x3
14mm wrench x2
13mm wrench x2
12mm wrench
10mm wrench x2
9mm wrench x2
8mm wrench x2
7mm wrench
6mm wrench
6mm allen wrench
5mm allen wrench
8mm allen wrench
10mm allen wrench
long ¾ socket wrench
15 mm socket
chain ring bender
valve core stem remover
foldable allen tool
torx tri tool
tire levers
push pins
measuring tape
electrical tape
glue x2 (check still good)
rubbing alcohol
zip ties
bike aid
Triflow x2 (full)
extra chain tool pins
1st aid kit
brake pads
5mm ferrules
4 mm ferrules
cable crimps
axle nuts
braze on bolts
barrel adjusters
coaster brake arm brackets
Misc extra small parts
*Carlyn Arteaga*
*pronouns: they/them/theirs*
Youth Program Coordinator
2001 N. 7th Ave. | Tucson, AZ 85701 | Shop: 520-628-7950
carlyn.arteaga@bicas.org | www.bicas.org | Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bicascollective/ | Instagram http://www.instagram.com/bicastucson/
*Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.*
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Hey Tara,
Welcome to the list, and congratulations on what you're doing.
You may have just missed Angel York's request within the last week or so for new community shops to contact her for inclusion into bikecollectives.org; if you're interested in a listing, I believe you can also just create one there on your own.
In case you feel like summoning some demons, here's some formulated ebay searches that I use to find tools on the cheap, or rare tools. I have a few more searches for other specific tools squirreled away, but these are the ones easy for me to dig out.
These may be useful if you're buying piecemeal, rather than getting a grant to buy them all new; typically though, Park's modern master mechanic sets leave out a lot of older tools needed by the kinds of bikes seen by community shops.
I haven't shared these formulas with the list because hunting tools on ebay is already competitive enough >_<
Good luck,
newly listed tools and toolsets: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_adv=1&LH_ItemCondition=4%7C10&_from...
comprehensive freewheel remover search (originally designed to find maillard freewheel removers but good for all kinds): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(%22lock%20ring%22%2C%20lockring%2C%20...
off-brand workstand search (good for finding cheap portable workstands): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(ultimate%2C%20topeak%2C%20feedback%2C...
really broad workstand search (deeper dive into affordable and obscure workstands): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(bicycle%2C%20bike%2C%20workstand)%20(...
off-brand toolset search (good for more affordable batches of new tools): https://www.ebay.com/dsc/Cycling-/7294/i.html?_sac=1&_from=R40&_odkw...
wheelsmith spoke tensiometer search (my preferred tensiometer): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(wheelsmith%2C%20%22wheel%20smith%22)%...
On 2021-05-05 01:41, Elmira Bikes wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara
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frigging reply button
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2021-05-05 05:46, Cyclista Nicholas wrote:
Hey Tara,
Welcome to the list, and congratulations on what you're doing.
You may have just missed Angel York's request within the last week or so for new community shops to contact her for inclusion into bikecollectives.org; if you're interested in a listing, I believe you can also just create one there on your own.
In case you feel like summoning some demons, here's some formulated ebay searches that I use to find tools on the cheap, or rare tools. I have a few more searches for other specific tools squirreled away, but these are the ones easy for me to dig out.
These may be useful if you're buying piecemeal, rather than getting a grant to buy them all new; typically though, Park's modern master mechanic sets leave out a lot of older tools needed by the kinds of bikes seen by community shops.
I haven't shared these formulas with the list because hunting tools on ebay is already competitive enough >_<
Good luck,
newly listed tools and toolsets: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_adv=1&LH_ItemCondition=4%7C10&_from...
comprehensive freewheel remover search (originally designed to find maillard freewheel removers but good for all kinds): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(%22lock%20ring%22%2C%20lockring%2C%20...
off-brand workstand search (good for finding cheap portable workstands): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(ultimate%2C%20topeak%2C%20feedback%2C...
really broad workstand search (deeper dive into affordable and obscure workstands): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(bicycle%2C%20bike%2C%20workstand)%20(...
off-brand toolset search (good for more affordable batches of new tools): https://www.ebay.com/dsc/Cycling-/7294/i.html?_sac=1&_from=R40&_odkw...
wheelsmith spoke tensiometer search (my preferred tensiometer): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=(wheelsmith%2C%20%22wheel%20smith%22)%...
On 2021-05-05 01:41, Elmira Bikes wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara
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Hi Tara, This is awesome, congratulations! We are 2.5 hours (several more hours by bike) from you up here in Utica and can help with parts, tools, bikes....anything you need. Call me sometime. 315-525-9554.
Matt VanSlyke, Utica Bike Rescue
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 PM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...
-- Matt VanSlyke 315.525.9554 (voice or txt)

I'm not an eBay person but tried the links given FWIW Next to last one Errors...
I do however like tools 🛠️🔧🧰
A ParkTools video of what to take on a camping trip was amusing "What tools can I bring?" https://youtu.be/Y5l7-lQteh8
(To me, as somehow can Not pack light) Idk if there is a ToolMinimalist approach, maybe one needs to be created, or ToolOHolics/Hoarders/ Collectors Anonymous... Old Tim Taylor Home Improvement videos may do in a pinch. Y(M|Km)MV
I do like yard sales, disCounted, clearance etc so looking at what people were offering and what people consider(ed) useful also historical changes to tool design over time, across vendors/ manufacturers, etc
But shipping individual tools/ parts seems somehow AntiGreen and expensive. Maybe because tracking down packages I'm like the dog running/chasing trucks/cars...
Effective Cycling from MITPress had some interesting things about creating your own tools (iirc chain whip, stand etc) and riding partners among other things...
On Wed, May 5, 2021, 08:25 Matt VanSlyke matt@uticabikerescue.org wrote:
Hi Tara, This is awesome, congratulations! We are 2.5 hours (several more hours by bike) from you up here in Utica and can help with parts, tools, bikes....anything you need. Call me sometime. 315-525-9554.
Matt VanSlyke, Utica Bike Rescue
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 PM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...
-- Matt VanSlyke 315.525.9554 (voice or txt) ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...

We also shouldn't keep forgetting to provide this resource to new people on the list:
It's a searchable archive of everything from the list in the past. The one downside is that images aren't archived, so in some cases someone will be saying "as in the picture" or something, and there's no picture.
Otherwise it's a great resource. A quick and simple search using "tool list", for instance, got a few hits:
This isn't to suggest that new people shouldn't ask questions that have already been asked!! Ask away - sometimes new information exists, or new people happen to be listening than were for a previous question, and might give better or different answers.
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2021-05-05 12:25, Matt VanSlyke wrote:
Hi Tara, This is awesome, congratulations! We are 2.5 hours (several more hours by bike) from you up here in Utica and can help with parts, tools, bikes....anything you need. Call me sometime. 315-525-9554.
Matt VanSlyke, Utica Bike Rescue
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 PM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...
-- Matt VanSlyke 315.525.9554 (voice or txt)
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...

Thanks everyone for all the useful info!
On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 12:28 PM Cyclista Nicholas cyclista@inventati.org wrote:
We also shouldn't keep forgetting to provide this resource to new people on the list:
It's a searchable archive of everything from the list in the past. The one downside is that images aren't archived, so in some cases someone will be saying "as in the picture" or something, and there's no picture.
Otherwise it's a great resource. A quick and simple search using "tool list", for instance, got a few hits:
This isn't to suggest that new people shouldn't ask questions that have already been asked!! Ask away - sometimes new information exists, or new people happen to be listening than were for a previous question, and might give better or different answers.
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2021-05-05 12:25, Matt VanSlyke wrote:
Hi Tara, This is awesome, congratulations! We are 2.5 hours (several more hours by bike) from you up here in Utica and can help with parts, tools, bikes....anything you need. Call me sometime. 315-525-9554.
Matt VanSlyke, Utica Bike Rescue
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 PM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
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-- Matt VanSlyke 315.525.9554 (voice or txt)
The ThinkTank mailing List
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http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or... ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
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Glad you got such a good response. Though not at all surprised. This is quite a supportive group.
To clarify, what I meant in my message from Utica Bike Rescue was that we have tools, bikes and parts we can donate to your effort to get you started.
We can communicate directly by email or phone/text to preserve inbox space.
315-525-9554 matt@uticabikerescue.org
Feel free to reach out any time. Matt
On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 9:00 AM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks everyone for all the useful info!
On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 12:28 PM Cyclista Nicholas cyclista@inventati.org wrote:
We also shouldn't keep forgetting to provide this resource to new people on the list:
It's a searchable archive of everything from the list in the past. The one downside is that images aren't archived, so in some cases someone will be saying "as in the picture" or something, and there's no picture.
Otherwise it's a great resource. A quick and simple search using "tool list", for instance, got a few hits:
This isn't to suggest that new people shouldn't ask questions that have already been asked!! Ask away - sometimes new information exists, or new people happen to be listening than were for a previous question, and might give better or different answers.
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2021-05-05 12:25, Matt VanSlyke wrote:
Hi Tara, This is awesome, congratulations! We are 2.5 hours (several more hours by bike) from you up here in Utica and can help with parts, tools, bikes....anything you need. Call me sometime. 315-525-9554.
Matt VanSlyke, Utica Bike Rescue
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 PM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
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-- Matt VanSlyke 315.525.9554 (voice or txt)
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here:
http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or... ____________________________________
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...
The ThinkTank mailing List
Unsubscribe from this list here: http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.or...
-- Matt VanSlyke 315.525.9554 (voice or txt)
participants (6)
Carlyn Arteaga
Cyclista Nicholas
Elmira Bikes
Matt VanSlyke