Critical Mass book essays?

Hi all, It's late, but we're doing a book to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Critical Mass starting in San Francisco. We will also be hosting a big week-long celebration with daily rides, evening art shows, concerts, films, etc., from Monday Sept. 24-Sunday Sept. 30, with the big anniversary ride falling on Friday, Sept. 28... everyone is invited of course! So the book's original deadline was Jan. 15, and I regret that I never directly sent the solicitation to this list, but we've extended the deadline to Feb. 7 (and we could go a bit longer if someone here needs more time and is up for contributing)... We're looking for essays that explain how Critical Mass was an incubator space, helped shape a new kind of politics, new communities, new groups of friends, etc., and maybe changed how folks think and act regarding transit politics, direct action, and even the shape of your cities, urbanism in general... if you're interested, here's the link to our original call for articles: but the deadline is extended... do let me know if you'd like to write something up for the book... a piece about BikeBike! and its relationship to the different politics of bicycling and transportation during the past 10-20 years would be fantastic! --Chris
participants (1)
Chris Carlsson