Re: [TheThinkTank] Thethinktank Digest, Vol 167, Issue 13

That which has value is valuable, though resources and availability to pay differs, especially in times of great uncertainty and instability. What would be useful would be transparency of the costs involved, knowledge that everything created and built is, and stays within, the public domain for public benefit (if that's the intention?), a sliding scale from $0-?? providing inclusive access and/or if consultancy work is to be garnered off the back of this, that organisations should perhaps be paid rather than pay for attendance - with funding for costs found from the facilitator as this would effectively be R&D for his private consultancy business. Doesn't sound like this is the intention but there did seem to be a lack of transparency, perhaps due to brevity and time pressure/focus in delivery to organisations asap.
I think the concept is great, value high and work much needed. Pre-workshop, I would also solicit and include research that organisations are already doing from attendance of business, governmental and educational workshops, webinars, events etc + any personal study and research to build a resource base for trends and info on social, political, economic and technological driving forces that is and stays within the public domain for access of all groups and organisations. I think I sent you through some of this Robert when you emailed me? Why we work within a gift economy, why everything is open source, why we're moving to zero waste etc... If not, pm me with what you feel would be most useful and I'll share resources I've garnered that may be helpful to the workshop group.
Building something virtual here in the UK for similar ends, but as ever, also 1000 other things demanding time/resource priority, especially atm. What informed and continues to inform in my work within Active Mobilty and life in general is where we need to head as a global society, of one human race, who share one planet and are tasked with stewardship of it, each other, and all sentient life.... challenging the prevailing narrative of ownership and extraction. Quite simply, we need to move from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, we need to dismantle private profit at public risk/expense and practially rewrite many of our stories that are not in alignment with a heart-centred life....the head has had too much focus over the last 200yrs and it's too out of balance!
In my humble opinion, worth reading/studying around social, political, economic and technological driving forces include: Nipun Mehta Charles Eisentein John Elkington Kate Raworth Ann Pettifor Gene Sharp Nicholas Shaxon Naomi Klein Ray Kurzweil (to challenge as well as inform) Serge Beddington-Behrens The Dalai Lama
Hope Friday's workshop goes well for all those attending!
Warmest regards,
*Lawrence Mohammed* Director & Head Mechanic Pro Bike Service C.I.C. *+44 (0)77 222 58587* **
/[Location, NOT delivery address] Pro Bike Service C.I.C. Multi-Storey Car Park Lesney Avenue Olympic Park London E20 3BS *map location*
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1. Re: Future-Proofing Your Shop's Operational Plans Workshop (Robert Grossman)
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