Hey y'all,
Just letting you know that this Montreal bike activist has just published a kids book about cyclo-feminism. It tells the story of Claire (inspired by Claire Morissette, an influencial montreal bike activist from the 70s) who, with the help of her new friend Katherine (Kitty Knox), learns to bike to school. It's about solidarity and the slippery slope of cycling which can turn you into an activist without you even noticing HEHEHE.
My publisher also produced a printable poster which is available for free - it explains some basic rules of the road for kids who learn to bike.
You can find both info about the book + the poster here: https://editionskata.com/produit/claire-a-velo-la-tete-dans-le-guidon/ (for the poster you need to scroll to the bottom of the page, section "Outils disponibles pour aller plus loin").
If any of you knows of a kids book publisher who might be interested in buying the rights and translating it into English or Spanish or any other language, feel free to forward them this email.
Have a good day!
participants (1)
Gabrielle Anctil