Hiring AmeriCorps VISTA for the Reno Bike Project in Reno, NV

Reno Bike Project is hiring an AmeriCorps VISTA as the coordinator for the Major Taylor Program. VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) is a year-long commitment to serve a community in capacity building and works to change the cycle of poverty.
The goal of the Major Taylor Program is to teach participants the skills and knowledge that will lead them to become life-long cyclists. The classes are offered in groups of 10 to provide an in-depth introduction into cycling. Currently classes are offered as a high school PE credit, benefiting participants both physically and academically. Now in its third year the Major Taylor Program has seen consistent growth. Currently partnered with a local charter high school and youth shelter, we aim to expand to two or three more schools in the coming year.
Member Duties: AmeriCorps VISTA members will expand the scope Major Taylor Program by:
- Developing partnerships with staff, administrators, teachers, after
school program leaders, at target High Schools to facilitate recruitment of program participants. 2. Further develop existing curriculum to fine tune lesson plans and materials for the program. 3. Recruit volunteers to escort group and training rides. 4. Through the experience of observing and interacting with program participants and under the direction of the staff member conducting the instructional time, improve the overall flow of the class sequence and fine tune materials curriculum. 5. After working knowledge of the program has been gained, engage in the search for funding and bicycle donation process for this program.
Service Term: November 2014 – November 2015
Program Benefits: Training , Relocation Allowance , Health Coverage , Living Allowance , Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend .
Service Areas: Children/Youth , Health , Education , Community Outreach .
Skills: Computers/Technology , Community Organization , General Skills , First Aid , Leadership , Fund raising/Grant Writing , Team Work , Education , Public Health , Teaching/Tutoring , Writing/Editing , Youth Development , Public Speaking .
If you have any questions, please contact Noah Silverman, noah@renobikeproject.com
participants (1)
Reno Bikes